family support, self-esteem, diabetic ulcer patients
Diabetic ulcers can affect the patient's psychological disruption that self-esteem,causing feelings of guilt or blame, aloof behavior or avoidance of social interaction that
can have an impact on the healing process even worsen the prognosis. This study aimed
to analyze the relationship between family support and self-esteem in patients with
diabetic ulcers.
This study is a is a cross sectional study. The population in this study is a diabetic
ulcer patients who seek treatment at the Polyclinic Internal Medicine Hospital Dr.
Moewardi Surakarta, the sample of 30 patients. The sampling technique used was quota
sampling. This study uses a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The
variables of this study is the family support and self-esteem. Data have been collected and
was later analyzed by using Spearman Rank Correlation.
The results of this study were (1) the family support to patients with diabetic
ulcers are mostly good, (2) Price patient diabetic ulcer majority is moderate and (3) there
is a relationship between family support and self-esteem in patients with diabetic ulcers.
The conclusion is that family support showed mostly good and a fraction less.
While the self-esteem majority and minority were lacking, and the results of the analysis
showed no relationship between family support and self-esteem diabetic ulcer patients.
Support their families can maintain and increase self-esteem.
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Keluarga dengan Harga Diri
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American Diabetes Association. 2007.
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diabetes - 2007. Diabetes Care.
Adabiah. 2014. Hubungan Dukungan
Keluarga Dengan Harga Diri
Pada Pasien Ulkus diabetik Di
Ruang Rawat Inap Bagian
Penyakit Dalam
RSUP.Dr.M.Djamil Padang.
Diakses tanggal 18 Juni 2015
pukul 20.05 wib.
Bilous, R., & Donelly, R. (2015). Buku
Pegangan Diabetes, Edisi 4.
Jakarta: Bumi Medika.
Clayton, W. Jr. 2009. A Review of The
Pathophysiology, Classification,
and Treatment of Foot Ulcers in
Diabetic Patients. Januari, 27
2016 melalui ProQuest Health and
Medical Complete.
Christine H. (2012). Dukungan Keluarga
dan Harga Diri Pasien Kanker
Payudara di RSUP H. Adam
Malik Medan. Jurnal Penelitian.
Medan: Fakultas Keperawatan
Creager MA, dan Lüscher TF.2003.
Diabetes and Vascular Disease
Pathophysiology, Clinical
Consequences, and Medical
Therapy: Part I. Circulation.
Firman, A. (2012). Kualitas Hidup Pasien
Ulkus Diabetik Di RSUD Serang.
Diakses tanggal 27 Mei 2015
pukul 06.30 wib.
Friedman MM, Bowden VR, & Jones EG.
2014. Buku Ajar Keperawatan
Keluarga (Riset, teori dan
praktik) Edisi 5. Jakarta: EGC.
Harkreader H, Hogan MA & Thobaben
M. 2007. Fundamental of
Nursing: Caring and Clinical
Judgment. (3rd ed). St. Louis,
Missouri: Saunders Elsevier.
Joseph B dan Jini D, 2011. Insight into the
hypoglycaemic effect of
traditional Indian herbs used in
the treatment of diabetes. Res J
Med Plant 2011a; 5(4): 352-376.
Lubis. 2009. Dukungan sosial pada
pasien kanker, perlukah?. Medan:
McGuire KD. 2012. Diabetes and The
Cardiovasculer System.
Braunwald’s Hearth Disease. 9
ed. Elsevier. Philadelphia. 2012:
Ningsih ESP. 2008. Pengalaman
Psikososial Pasien dengan Ulkus
diabetikDalam Konteks Asuhan
Keperawatan Diabetes Mellitus.
Depok: FIK-UI. Tesis.
Notoatmodjo, S. (2012). Metodologi
Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta:
Rineka Cipta.
Potter PA & Perry AG. 2005.Buku Ajar
Fundamental Keperawatan
:Konsep, Proses dan Praktis.
(Renata Komalasari, et al,
Penerjemah). Ed. Ke-4.Jakarta:
Potter PA & Perry AG. 2010.
Fundamental Keperawatan, Buku
2, Edisi 7. Jakarta: Salemba
Salome, G.M., Blanes, Leila., Ferreira,
L.M. 2011. Assesment of
Depressive Symptoms in People
with Diabetes Mellitus and Foot
Ulcers. 327-333
Sartika DL. 2013. Hubungan Dukungan
Keluarga dengan Harga diri
Penderita Kusta Rawat Jalan di
Rumah Sakit Rehatta Donorojo
Jepara. Publikasi Penelitian.
Semarang: Prodi Keperawatan
STIKES Telogorejo.
Sobur, A. (2011). Psikologi Umum.
Bandung: Pustaka Setia.
Sugiyono.(2014). Statistik Penelitian.
Bandung : Alfa Beta.
Susila, & Suyanto. (2015). Metodologi
Penelitian Cross Sectional.
Klaten: Boss Script.
Wild S, Rolic C dan Green A. 2004.
Global prevalence of diabetes:
estimates for the year 2000 and
projection for 2030. Diabetes
Care. 2004;37:1047-1053.